Sabrina Heller
Sabrina has been working as a physiotherapist for 10 years and has completed various further training courses. On the side she has taught aquacycling and TRX. In 2023 she completed her part-time studies to become an osteopath. Besides her work she loves to travel and to eat good food. Health and prevention are very close to her heart. She loves the daily contact with patients and being able to help them.
- Osteopath C.O.
- Physiotherapist
- Classical Taping
- Basic Course & Sport Performance
- Myofascial Kinesiology Taping
- Analytical Biomachanics according to Sohier
- NOI, Mobilization of the Nervous System
- EFL - Evaluation of the arbietszebogenic functional performance
- Aquarider Trainer - Aquacycling
- TRX - Sports Medicine Suspendion Training Course